Night by Elie Wiesel Reading Packet Answers
Reading Guide Questions
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About This Guide
The questions and discussion topics that follow are designed to enhance your reading of Elie Wiesel'southward Dark. We hope they will enrich your feel equally you explore this poignant and fiercely honest remembrance of the Holocaust.
A watershed memoir first published in 1958, Elie Wiesel'south Night has become widely recognized equally a masterpiece. This new edition, translated from the French by Wiesel's married woman and frequent translator, Marion Wiesel, presents this seminal work in the linguistic communication and spirit truest to the author'due south original intent. A new preface by the author, in improver to the text of his Nobel Prize credence spoken language, provides enduring insight into his vision and legacy.
In eloquent, unflinching scenes, Dark recalls Wiesel'south survival as a teenager in Nazi decease camps. Each chapter raises questions that have haunted the world since Hitler'southward rise: How could such a staggering number of innocents have lost their lives at the command of ane regime? What does it accept to survive when body, heed, and spirit are brutalized for months, even years? Why does God seem to forsake those who suffer? For anyone seeking a deeper agreement of the Holocaust, or of the nature of humanity itself, Night is essential reading.
Questions for Word
- Compare Wiesel's preface to the memoir itself. Has his perspective shifted in any way over the years?
- In his Nobel lecture, presented in 1986, Wiesel writes of the power of memory, including the notion that the retention of death can serve as a shield against death. He mentions several sources of injustice that reached a boiling signal in the 1980s, such as Apartheid and the suppression of Lech Walesa, as well as fears that are still
with us, such as terrorism and the threat of nuclear state of war. Will twenty-get-go-century gild exist marked by remembrance, or past forgetting?
- How does the author characterize himself in Night? What does young Eliezer tell usa virtually the town, community, and home that divers his babyhood? How would you describe his storytelling tone?
- Why doesn't anyone believe Moishe the Beadle? In what way did other citizens around the world share in Sighet's naïveté? Would you accept heeded Moishe's warnings, or would his stories have seemed too awful to exist true? Has mod journalism solved the problem of self-approbation, or are Cassandras more than prevalent than always?
- Equally Eliezer'due south family and neighbors are confined to a large ghetto and then expelled to a smaller, ghostlier one whose residents have already been deported, what do you learn about the process by which Hitler implemented doom? How are you affected by the uncertainty endured by Sighet'due south Jews on their prolonged journey to the concentration camps?
- With the words "Women to the right!" Eliezer has a terminal glimpse of his mother and of his sis, Tzipora. His father later wonders whether he should accept presented his son every bit a younger boy, and then that Eliezer could have joined the women. What turning point is represented by that moment, when their family is dissever and the gravity of every pick is made clear?
- At Birkenau, Eliezer considers ending his life by running into the electric fence. His begetter tells him to recall Mrs. Schächter, who had become delusional on the train. What might business relationship for the fact that Eliezer and his father were able to keep their wits nearly them while others slipped into madness?
- Eliezer observes the now-infamous inscription in a higher place the entrance to Auschwitz, equating work with freedom. How does that inscription come to embody the cant and bitter irony of the Nazi camps? What was the "work" of the prisoners? Were any of the Auschwitz survivors ever liberated emotionally?
- Eliezer's gold crown makes him a target for spurious bargaining, final in a lavatory with Franek, the foreman, and a dentist from Warsaw. Discuss the hierarchies in identify at Auschwitz. How was a prisoner's value determined? Which prisoners were called for supervisory roles? Which ones were more likely to face bullying, or execution?
- Eliezer expresses sympathy for Job, the biblical effigy who experienced horrendous loss and illness as Satan and God engaged in a debate over Job'due south faithfulness. Later watching the lynching and dull death of a young boy, Eliezer tells himself that God is hanging from the gallows as well. In his Nobel lecture, Wiesel describes the Holocaust equally "a universe where God, betrayed by His creatures, covered His face in lodge non to see." How does Wiesel'due south understanding of God change throughout the volume? How did the prisoners in Nighttime, including rabbis, reconcile their desperation with their faith?
- After the surgery on Eliezer's foot, he and his father must face up being marched to a more remote military camp or staying behind to face up possible eleventh-hour execution amidst rumors of approaching Scarlet Army troops. Observing that Hitler'southward deadliness is the simply reliable aspect of their lives, Wiesel's father decides that he and his son should leave the army camp. The memoir is filled with such crossroads, the painful outcomes of which can be known but in retrospect. How does Wiesel respond to such outcomes? Do you believe these outcomes are driven by destiny, or do they simply reflect the reality of controlling?
- In his concluding scenes with his father, Eliezer must switch roles with him, becoming the provider and comforter, despite advice from others to abandon the dying man. What accounts for the tender, unbreakable bond between Eliezer and his father long later other men in their camp begin fending for themselves? How does their bond compare to those in your family?
- What is the significance of the book's concluding image, Wiesel'south face up, reflected in a mirror? He writes that a corpse gazed back at him, with a look that has never left him. What aspects of him died during his ordeal? What aspects were born in their place? What do you make of his observation that among the men liberated with him, not 1 sought revenge?
- Wiesel faced constant rejection when he get-go tried to publish Night; numerous major publishing houses in France and the United States closed their doors to him. His memoir is at present a classic that has inspired many other historians and Holocaust survivors to write important contributions to this genre of remembrance. What is
unique almost Wiesel's story? How does his approach compare to that of other memoirists whose work you have read?
Farther Reading
All Simply My Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein (a Colina and Wang teacher's guide is available for this title at;
The Hours Afterwards by Gerda Weissmann Klein and Kurt Klein;
The Boys and The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert;
The Destruction of the European Jews by Raul Hilberg;
The Drowned and the Savedand Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi;
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer;
On Called-for Ground by Michael Skakun;
Maus: A Survivor's Tale (a graphic novel in two volumes) by Art Spiegelman;
The Pianist past Wladyslaw Szpilman.
Other Books by Elie Wiesel
Boosted memoirs by Elie Wiesel:
All Rivers Run to the Sea
And the Sea Is Never Full
Other titles in the Night trilogy:
Unless otherwise stated, this word guide is reprinted with the permission of Hill and Wang. Whatsoever page references refer to a USA edition of the book, unremarkably the trade paperback version, and may vary in other editions.
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